August 20, 2010

Make a book..........CHECK.

Well kids, its been a lonnnnnnnnng and bumpy Romanian road......with mannnnnnnny set backs and re do's and blah blah freakin blah blah....BUTT! ITS DONE!

Officially fucking complete and ready for mass production.
The final version of the HORSE the band, EARTH TOUR book has been sent to our beloved publisher, for print. The EARTH TOUR DVD's are all edited perfectly, and sent off for mass copying.
The hand made covers for BOOK! will be done in a matter of days.
And then, it will all beautifully come together in holy matrimony, and live happily ever after in the homes of its rightful owners, who made the choice to purchase this rare vision of torture and pleasure, harmoniously married by artistic vision, and passion. In hopes of translating to the viewer as an accomplishment both victorious and pointless......or whatever.

I learned so so so so so so so much....and now have this crazy chunk of my life to share with the world, boasting the most memorable and ridiculous adventure my life will ever know.

What did it all mean? Did it change me? Do I give a fuck?
Not really. I'm just glad I got to be a part of it, its done and that I'm not fat anymore.

Now for some 'shout outs'......
Of course, to Htb bitch Couldn't of done it without u....(duh.) You dinks are the best. Special mention to Erik E. Engstrom thank you for your help and patience! :)
Gary Lachance, my rock, my hard place. We my friend, are the champions.
Tony Dickface Besne....oops I mean....ya. Thanks for your guidance through out book, very mucho appreciato :)
My pals, who accepted my other half in book form for 4 months, and helped me stay alive thru it! Love your Bwuallz.
Oh, and coffee. Thx for bein you.

ahahaha, I feel like I just accepted an award.
I guess in my head, I did.

I'll put it with the rest.


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