December 31, 2009


Forgot I made this last yr.

Rediscovering the level of my weirdness.
I am not ashamed.

What a feeling.

December 22, 2009

Life on Tour

Tour equaled a lot of driving, a lot of farting, a lot of booze, a lot of great shows, and a lot of FUN....
I would like to share with you now, some highlights from my camera....

This was a really good gas station stop...they had a cowboy themed souvenir shop attached to it...Erik bought a bison hat... excellent life choice

In Cleveland we went for sushi and paid waaaaay too much for waaaay too little food...but the sake bombs were....well...the bomb.

Montreal Venue (from the van)

Ahahahahahaaa...peeping Nathan..and introducing, Eriks' hand.

Driving thru Colorado

HORSE live from Montreal

Erik wasn't drunk at alllllll this night.

Drinking beers at a brewery in Montreal, Erik, Jerr and Mr David Isen.

Churros=1 dolar.....Desperate Living=this.

The Chariot

Fearless Radio in Chicago, interview with a Gnome

David Isen.


annnnnnnnd ya DEAD!!!!!

December 17, 2009

Adventure Island

'Strange things are a foot at the circle K'

December 15, 2009

A view from the front....

sitting. in the. front.
sitting. in the. front.
sitting. in the. front.

when u wish you were in the fucking baaaaaack.

November 24, 2009

...the wing pwease.

'Luv........Twuuue luv.......
is what bwings us...'

I really could go off on some tangent about why I don't think mawwage is a good idea...but I won't.

My cousin Angela tied the knot on Sunday.
I'm really happy for her.
And I hadda lotta stinkin fun...

Plus I saw my mom, who I haden't seen in over 5 years...and my big sis and buddeh came down for it too!!!!

PLUUUS, they had a photo booth there, just for them!!!
So everyone got to be idiots!

I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve being an idiot!


congrats Angela and Omod
Sending you champagne wishes and caviar dreams...

November 18, 2009


I walked from commercial street-home so I could save 2.50$
I was carrying all my camera gear. plus I burrowed Rachels light, so I had two.
I just finished a long but fun shoot. I was lost in my ipod.
It was past midnight.
I now realize as I read that back, I coulda easily been robbed by someone more desperate than me.....
Next time. ahahaha.

I mean YAY FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


anyways, a song came on my ipod, and I liked it... It woke up the creative region of my brain, and ideas rushed from it like a pack of rabid 12 year olds that just spotted that dude from Twilight......(but not nearly as desperate or annoying).....anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyways.....

So I took this as a positive and motivating sign.....
That even tho lately I feel kinda dead and pathetic, there is a song on my Ipod that strangely enough was by the client I just finished shooting, and it re lit a fire that had been extinguished for a month or so.

Expect good things from me soon.

Thx Lord Godfrey.
In ye I trust.

'last night a keyboard saved my life...'

BUTT WHO WILL SAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 16, 2009

Why I adore HTB.....

And now, in no particular order, the reasons I love HORSE the band.

1. EARTH tour....these guys brought me on their 3 month, 43 country world tour, after only meeting me once, to take photos of the madness that was EARTH tour.
2. They flew me to LA to shoot their promo photos for 'Desperate Living'
3. They put on the BEST live shows I've ever seen. and ive seen them play like 80 times.
4. They like having fun, and are all so insanely different it means its never the same twice.
5. They are taking me with them on November 30th for 2 weeks, for their tour with Norma Jean....!!!!
6. They are my friends.

This is a much needed escape for ol' ploppy poo...
Vancouver is making me S.A.D

So there you go.
These humans RULE.

So anyone that reads this must go and buy their new legendary album 'Desperate Living' HERE
You won't regret it.....unless you hate things that rule.


November 14, 2009

Why Is?

Sometimes when I'm editing photos, I wonder why I take so many photos.
Besides the fact that I love it......there are so many that I edit, and no one ever really sees.
I guess I take the photos....then get excited.....then edit them.....then take a ton more, repeat. I just forget about some of the good ones that get lost with the mass....

I found some of those.
lost gems.

Well they are to me anyhow.

....then again, I'm sure you wouldn't have even noticed if you never saw these images.

November 5, 2009


Picture it.
Halloween 09.
30 banana's carrying boomboxes.
City Transit.
Overtaking the city.
One decentralized party at a time.

October 20, 2009

Sunsets in October

look like this....


October 7, 2009

My Verrry Berry First Interview....

The cool kids at GET GROUNDED TV asked ol beastie a few questions yesterday about photography, and im featured on their website as featured artist!

So check it out!!!!
its scandelous!


October 5, 2009

October 3, 2009

new business card???

Just bored as hell, and thought I should prolly get a buncha diff themed bizznatch cards done up...

maybe this one to hand out to bands, magazines, etc??

if anyone who actually reads this wants to give me thumbs up or thumbs down, that'd rule.

September 30, 2009

A Poem.


Photos, laughing, having fun....
Bikes and laying in the sun...
Making fun of people too..
This is stuff I like to do.

Making food to fill you up..
Don't drink fireball from a cup...
Making videos with my webcam...
And totally stickin' it to the man.

I shop at thrift stores...
And play the guitar...
I run a kitchen in a bar..
Watching TV just ain't my 'thing'....
I'd rather blast music, and to it I sing.

Maybe you..
Like stuff too..
But if don't...
Thats okay too.

Cuz if we were...
All the same..
There'd be no point..
To this silly game...

So go do stuff
That makes you feel glee
Im gonna right now....
And thats take a pee.



and now…….please enjoy the shine on my cheeks.


September 20, 2009


Nathan sent me this today.

September 17, 2009

I'm not ready

I don't want to put my coat on.
I refuse to buy an umbrella.
Its not getting darker earlier.
I don't need to turn the heat on.
The leaves aren't changing color.
They aren't selling individually wrapped chocolate bars at Shoppers
My mood isn't changing.
Kids aren't back in school.


September 16, 2009


I've been realllllly busy.

you understand.

August 21, 2009

The craziest 5 min dream

So I just woke up from a 5 min nap.
It started out normally.....I waltzed into my room to say hi to Bubs my cat....I lie down next to her and BOOM! Im thrust into this dream.

I entered a room with music playing out of it. It turned out to be a small kitchen, but there was supposedly a shceduled dj night there......I see 5 friends I know...not good friends...some I've never even met, but just familiar faces....all guys....all wearing tuxedo T-shirts....I said to them 'Whaaaat!!! Why didnt anyone tell me that you were gonna all wear ur tux shirts? I woulda worn mine!' I was very dissapointed to not be in on the plan. Then I was instantly in another room. This one was bigger, not much to it tho. And somehow between the kitchen and this room, I had gotten EXTREEEEEEEEMELY stoned. Like I felt it in the dream. A girl I don't know approached me, and started asking me questions about my photos. I think she wanted to hire me....but I was too stoned to listen, even tho I could hear her talking....with her voice acting as background music, I travelled from the 2 rooms, noting what was going on in each, until I realized she had stopped talking, and was waiting for me to respond. I kinda came to and apolagized, stating how stoned I was.....she said 'oh.' Then my vision blurred, and I had an out of body experience in the dream. I could hear her talking to her friend, and I could see the whole scene....even me. She was saying 'this chick is the photo girl I was telling you about, but she's really fucked up right now' I tried to respond, but couldnt. So frustrated, I left the room and floated to the kitchen...which was a lot bigger now....and now there was a whole camera crew in there.....and I saw myself....still stoned....wearing a blonde wig and my nerdy black glasses....lens free.....I heard them talking about how I was to be interviewed for my photos...and the feeling of sheer horror filled me, knowing that I was about to blow my 'big debut' with my inebriated state.

then I woke up.

that was 5 mins.

dreaming is neat

August 18, 2009

Santa Shoes.

I never liked Santa.
Till now.

Somebody in this world loved Santa so much, they took time and money to paint his face on their shoes.......
Then, for reasons unknown to me, they wound up at a thrift store.
And there Santa waited.
I don't know how long.
But there he was.
And there I was.......
We exchanged glances....
I pretended not to see him.
Guess I was still mad about him never coming to my house.
This quickly faded to sheer awe and amazement.
Who? Why? HOW? What size?
oh yaaaaa, my size. perfect. now I have to buy them. great.....neato......FUCKING RAD!

So now I like Santa.
Turns out he never actually existed.
He never went to anyones fucking house.
You can imagine my relief.


August 11, 2009

Friday August 7th 2009


On a warm summers eve
At the top of the hill
A plan is set forth
a 'movement' if you will

An alliance of music
A reason to fight
Giving meaning to the line
'This is the Rhythm of the Night'

With heads held high
And dreams made true
An alliance was formed
16 to their crew

A playlist so grand
like, really really big
Shake that body to the music
Is that real or a wig?

Head whips and babes a' plenty
Air guitars their only threat
Did we mention that C+C Music Factory
Is gonna make you sweat???

With all the drinks drunk,
And the night growing tardy
We shall never forget
Tom + Gary's Decentralized Dance Party!

August 5, 2009

Ze painting of Ze light

What better way to bond with pals than setting up the ol tripodular, and making any scenario you dream up in ur head come to life....
When you have a remote for your camera (or someone elses) the possibilities and fun are literally endless....... literally.

First, I painted ol snockerton himself....he has 3 heads....kinda like lori and dori...with the new edition..... tori.

Then Swilsonian painted me, I thought outside the box and acted out something that isnt true to character in the isnt.
oh and may I add that he did a fantabulous job of proper exposure....jolly good swillsss, jolly. good.

Next up was Swillsonian.....I took the torch (flashlight) and painted this piece.....His tribute and reenactment to living with unfortunate ailment that causes great sorrow and pain is nothing short of gripping.......le tear, le tear.....

This final installment was the teams final attempt at creating an image so powerful that most wouldnt even know what it worthy of the title, 'The slow jerk'......I encourage you to click on this photo,enlarge and note the awesome illusion of 'floating teeth' we achieved in this tri masterpiece of beauty and originality.

ohhhhhhhh and by the faaaakin way,
did you realize that 10yr olds are now dressing 'hip', stealing your smokes, and sporting cleavage and bad attitudes? Well they are.

oh the humanity.

July 29, 2009

im melllllllllting..............

seriously tho......its 32 degrees C......thats 89 F for all the Americans......

my apt? hmmmm I'd say around 45 C.


I have 2 fans goin, and they aren't doing any good.

What if it just keeps getting hotter and hotter and we all shrivel up like the california raisins, but dont actually die...and we become leathery disfigured human raisins? hmmmmmmmmmm....

I'd rather be a raisin human than this flower child.

July 26, 2009

July 25, 2009

Danika's Shoot

Danika is a great model.
She moves.
She poses well.
She has energy.
And she takes direction.

This is a photographers dream come true,

Here's a few from her shoot.