February 26, 2009

Quite Good.

Things that are quite good

- today my 'beloved' roommate left for his month long trip to the Philippines..booya times a kajillion.
- did a photo shoot on Sunday with Edge......our best shoot yet.
- scored a rad lil dress from the thrift store yesterday....I'm wearing it now.
- my hair is cut.
- I'm drinking Earl Grey Tea & Bailey's
- Our one year birthday party for work on Sunday was epic
- Did I mention my roommate is gone for a month?


this photo of me and my sisters back in the day is also quite good.
Not to mention my Dad's timing.....

February 22, 2009

Take on Me

Youtube is turning into pure shit. What ever happend to being able to express yourself VIA lipsync remake vids??? I mean really....they muted this video because of 'copyright' bullshit....however, they just decide this NOW after it being up for quite some time.
Its stupid. And I betcha if AHA saw this, they'd laugh and be like 'that was hilarious...but it'd be even funnier if there was fucking SOUND.' I'm posting it on here so it can be viewed for anyone who tried to watch it on youshit and couldnt hear anything.

down with youtube.

AHA Take on ME Lesync

February 20, 2009

dems were da days

October 27th 1987

When I grow up I'll get to date.
I'll get married. I'll have kids.
I get to stay up!
I'll get a spots (sports) car and I wont get bossed around!
I'll be able to invite people over.

December 2 1987

My best stories are when I was a baby because I didnt have to walk or worry abot anything.

Dec 11 1987

One day I saw a sippder ah ah ah I cryed. Sudinly a gust of wind blow me to the cartoon land. I loved it. I saw cartoon people. I saw mikey mouse. he was a cartoon of couse. it was so neat!!!! goofey gave me a gingbred house
I ate cartoon!

February 15, 2009

This is a Valentines Entry.

Love is suck.
could it be because 98% percent of my friends who are in a relationship are either getting walked on, fucked over, having spells put on them, cheated on, abused, lied to, taken advantage of....im sure you get the point.
Im not even exagerating. The most frustrating part of all this BS, is that they are allowing it....and enabling it. They go running back the second the human piece of garbage claps they're hands....

How do they do it?
How do they want to be with someone that makes them feel like shit well over half the time?
How do they call that 'love'?

Someone recently said to me....'you're different. you view relationships different. you're stronger than us.'
as if that was some sort of an excuse for them to keep going back to a shitty human.

I dont hate men.
I'm not a lesbian.
I'm not a prude.

I'm just not wanting to get in a situation where i'm mindfucked, and I forget what the word love is supposed to feel like.

Fuck valentines day.
fuck buying your GF or BF a teddybear holding a gay heart that says 'i love you' no you dont. or else you wouldnt of done all that shit to them a week ago.....

pull up your socks ppl.

live for yourself.
the second you feel like maybe they arent the person you thought they were, leave.

be selfish.
its your turn.


DO YOU???????????

February 14, 2009

February 13, 2009

Looks like he really broke free.

No. like REALLLLLLLY broke free.
holy fucking shit.

this is amazing.

February 9, 2009

Sometimes I forget about dying.....Death in general. I forget that one day I'm gonna die. One day my sisters are gonna die. One day my best friend is gonna die. One day my cat is gonna die. (you get the point).
When you are reminded of this process, it jolts you back into a mindframe I wish I was more aware of....or do I?
I found out a new father and husband to be of my brother in law's sister, died. He didnt wake up. He wasnt sick. He wasnt drunk. He just didnt wake up. He has a 6 month old baby. And a beautiful fiance.
How is that life?
Its too fucked up.
It isnt fucking fair.
And I guess thats why it IS life.

My heart goes out to Kim and Sophie.

February 6, 2009

An evening with Fireball...

Me n fireball.....we go waaaaaaaaay back....however do not take fireball for granted, or underestimate the way it can make you feel, should you choose to taunt fireball for a lengthy period of time.
I now understand this rule.
Im sorry fireball.

wilsss and mott threw aundy a bye bye party, since he's movin to Ontario to be a tattoo god.

I will miss you auuuuundy!

...and now.....the effects of fireball.

thinkin bout snox

this is my personal fave...
the front mullet.
the yellow shirt.
the spilt booze on yellow shirt, making you wonder if its urine.
and the 'bring it' pose.....for added fail.

February 2, 2009


it talks to you
it tells you stuff
but most of it is lies
it shows you how you're sposed to look
but it doesnt even have eyes.
it makes you fat, and zones you out
it costs you quite a lot
its poison for your mind and soul
this sickness you have bought.