May 22, 2009

May 22 1980

I wish I got to celebrate birthdays as a kid.

I wanna blow out my candles and make a wish.
I wanna pin the tail on everything but the donkey's ass.
I wanna open presents from my friends who's moms bought the gift.
I dont even know what else you do at b-day parties as a kid, cuz I never got to go.

ya, ya, I know, boo fuckin hoo right?
I'm not exactly complaining.
Just more of a realization that its something I will never know.

EEEEEEEven more reason to wooooop it up xtra hard now.
not like I needed an excuse.

Tonight I thought I hadta work.
I got there and didnt.
So I came home. Did work on the computer for too long, then met up with Mott and Swilsonion....and then Greg came later, and we ate snox, and drank beers, and smoked mirages.
then we went back to their place and had a dance party, and morphed into hideous beings, thx to the settings on motts moc, ....and we recorded
I stopped by ferts on the way home, she had presents for me!!!!!! Bubbles, party horns, twirly straws, my new duvet cover that she made for me!!! its amazing. and speakers for my computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wowie. So rad. ohhhh and also sparklers! So far my birthday has been fun fun fun!!

haha, I was reading through my baby book, and apparently I was born an angel....aahahahaha, okay fine, maybe just really considerate....

"When Sarah was 3 1/2, She woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. She came into our bedroom and told us she was going to the bathroom.She then proceeded to go. When she finished she came into our room again, this time she said she had a question to ask us.The question was this: 'Will it wake you up if I flush the toilet?' she then flushed the toilet as slowly as possible to avoid any disturbances."


I wonder if I'll ever feel old.

1 comment:

chadio said...

lol @ the slow flush.

fuggin kids r so cute i could eat em