October 19, 2007

Welcome Foo's!

Well, well well. Look who got a 'blog', man that word sucks. Blog. Gay. And now I have one.....neat. Actually it is 'neat' cuz now I can keep you all updated in my world, cuz I know how worried and concerned you are with what I do with myself......so now you can shut up, and read, and gawk, and sleep at night...ahahahahaa.....

I guess I'm kinda gonna just base this Phlog kinda like 'A photo a day' type theme...I will be posting shots that Ive taken that day, or within the week......and then you can all see what fun and exciting shit I've been up to......yay for you.

Shut up and phlog.

1 comment:

cainKuri said...

Heeeeeyyyy Beast !!! im here... !!!