Iam.... in LA Iam.... not gay. I saw all the boys. happy happy, joy joy Iam staying with bassist,Dash Lost my bankcard, have no cash That is super... really neat. Good thing Im not hungry, from the heat That is all, see ya...goodnight Please dont ask about my light.
April 22, 2009
Watching this was very odd. I kept wanting to tell myself what was gonna happen... A friend asked me if I would be the victim in one of the chapters he was making for a film.. I said sure. That was in the summer. They got it edited finally... and here she be. props to saxon, tibor, andy and elliot. good work on creeping me the fuck out.
This is Jem and the Holograms BEST episode. By far. and I've seen pretty much all of em......f'reals. me n rach like watching jem on her laptop in the 'mornin' while we have snox in bed. Its a really good show. You should all go to TV links and watch em. I took my fave parts from this episode and put them into one masterpiece. isnt Reo a fag? like gawwwwd, shut up already. enjoy. ps the song at the end is my favorite jem song. ever.
tonight I bought a 'new' camera. New to me. Old to the world. Non of my filmer cammies work at the moment, and I rrrrrreally wanted to bring one to LA with me...so I bought one. A yashika.
I put a roll of film in it already, and will be posting photos from it hopefully tomorrow, if all goes to plan.
These days are getting shorter, and the nights and mornings longer.
When we were in Zagreb, me Dash and David stayed at Andrea's place (the really cool zagrebian we met) and after stuffing our faces with the best feta we ever ate plus olives and bread n stuff, Dash and I decided to watch a dvd. We chose wisely?....'Party Monster'....meanwhile David and Andrea made out,(in same room on couch) the next day Dash requested my journel and wrote a review for it... It was so bang on, I hadta make this glorified version of it...
I'm still at work. I've been here since 5pm......its now 4am..... I'm helping Mott destroy the entrance with paint. The fumes make me feel like ralphing.....ralffing? no.....ralphing.....i dunno, they both look wrong....and spell check isnt much help when it comes to slang. Anyways....this entry is pointless.
I really suck with a spray can. you understand this kills me to admit.
the first thing you see on the wall when you walk in is 'U SUCK'.
The last 4 days can only be likened to that of a rollarcoaster. Unpredictable, exciting, funny, filled with ups, downs, arounds and backs.
April 1st. I once again procrastinate to the last min, and pack my entire life after work on March 31.....I got off at midnight. Groan. I slept maybe 3 hrs. Packed all night long....'all night...all night...all night lonnnnnnnnnnnnng' (lionel ritchie) of course I have to work on the 1st, lucky for me Danes helped me move my stuffs..after work...in the rain.....and freezing cold.....did I mention rain? In her honda civic...... it was funny tho...cuz we had to slide my huge, luxury, dbl padded for his and her pleasure mattress on top of her car....no rope...no nuttin....just water, car, and matress.. it didnt budge. but it was soaking wet. its dry now.
I also recieved a text that night. An important one. Not the kind that you read and know you aren't gonna respond to cuz....well, you just aren't....NO. this text was like being tossed a life preserver after you got wasted and fell off the cruise ship....
'Plopp!! This isnt a april fools, we need you to come here soon to do our press photos, we will pay for your ticket, and give you some money too!!'
'we' being HORSE, and 'here' being LA.
So last week of April I will be going to LA. PLUS Gary is coming. PLUS I will not be in Vancouver. PLUS I'm really stoked. PLUS I'll get to shoot the boys with my bee light, that actually works.
So after getting that text, there were so many PLUS' I forgot about all the prior minus'....
oh ya, last night I made up a really great word. 'Reotard'. Basically its what you call a retard in a leotard.
as you can see in subject A.
Me and a pal are gonna make a super sonic rock sensation band....and we'll be 'the REOTARdS' its a really good idea.
oh, and for the luvva gawd.....check out more videos with the title 'Stairway to Stardom' You can't lose....trust me. If you feel horrible, watch it. You will quickly thank your lucky stars you arent 1/4 mutant, 1/4 retarded, 1/4 inbred, and 1/4 talentless...